Engaging families: Building and sustaining helpful relationships with parents

Join our one-day workshop designed to explore parent engagement from the perspective of families who may be resistant to services.

This workshop covers the learning objectives from the three-hour workshop and includes explorations of family ecology, worker and service characteristics that support parent engagement, and strategies to promote engagement within and across services.

Participants will be equipped to identify and implement effective strategies that promote and support parent engagement within various service contexts.

  • Increase understanding of 'engagement' as a multifaceted term.
  • Recognize engagement as a culture of practice within services.
  • Identify worker and service characteristics that foster successful parent engagement.
  • Acquire practical strategies to promote engagement within and across services.



The workshop can be tailored to suit a range of practitioners and/or particular situations. It can be provided as a brief session (1½-2 hours), a half-day or one day workshop or a series of sessions. To find out more contact us.