Applying evidence: Taking an integrated approach to reducing inequity

March 2024

Dr Harriet Hiscock and Dr Suzy Honisett (MCRI) facilitate a discussion around the application of research in Child and Family Hubs. Joined by Child and Family Hub experts Colleen McCombe (Our Place, Westall) and Felicity Cummins (Sunraysia Community Health Services, Mildura), they explore how Hubs are helping to reduce inequity in communities.

Hubs provide families with healthcare, social care, education, legal support and financial counselling in one welcoming and family-friendly location. 

Through training and learning collaborations and a co-located workforce, professionals are more empowered to have conversations with families about the adversities they're experiencing and connect them with the support they need.

“The practitioner has asked me about everything and I discuss openly when I’m struggling and what I’m dealing with. We discuss not just my depression, my relationship, but the difficulties I have looking after children, everything.’ -Mother, Hub member

There are now over 460 Hubs around Australia providing system reform at a local level, using existing infrastructure. One recent economic analysis shows that Hubs are a great investment, with social returns of $3.50 for every $1 invested in a Hub.