Reporting the health and development of children in rural and remote Australia

September 2017

Report cover page: Reporting the health and development of children in rural and remote Australia

On behalf of Royal Far West, the Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) reviewed the health, development and wellbeing of children aged 0-12 years and families living in rural and remote Australia.

The Centre presented key findings in 'Reporting the health and development of children in rural and remote Australia' including:

  • the distribution of children by Indigenous status and remoteness, across each jurisdiction
  • the disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children
  • the profile of children residing in rural and remote areas in each of the identified jurisdictions
  • the main service gaps for children and families in remote and rural Australia
  • what the evidence says about ways of improving health and development outcomes for children in rural and remote Australia
  • strategies shown to be effective in improving access and outcomes for children
  • knowledge gaps and opportunities to improve services and outcomes.

Read the full report

Read the summary report

For more information

For more information on 'Reporting the health and development of children in rural and remote Australia', contact Noushin Arefadib, CCCH Senior Project Officer and report co-author at [email protected].