Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the State Education System in Victoria

November 2023

The Centre for Community Child Health submitted responses to two terms of reference within the Parliamentary Inquiry into the state education system in Victoria.

This included:

  • Student learning outcomes, in particular the disparities that exist.
  • The current state of student wellbeing in Victoria.

Our recommendations to improve student learning outcomes and wellbeing, reduce inequities and respond to the holistic needs of Victoria’s students included:

  • Support children and families before they start school.
  • Enable schools to take a whole child and whole school approach to redress inequities in learning, engagement, health and wellbeing outcomes.
  • Co-design school-based responses for students experiencing mental health challenges or school refusal.
  • Improve our understanding of student wellbeing and support schools to make data-driven decisions about how best to support the wellbeing of their students.

Read the submission