GenV - a community of over 120,000 parents and children


GenV (short for Generation Victoria), has welcomed over 120,000 participants into this landmark study. Led from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, GenV aims to find better prediction, prevention and treatment of the complex health and social problems facing all families today and tomorrow.  

Representing all Victorian communities in GenV means that research and evaluation that is generated from GenV will be relevant to all Victorian communities. To do this, it is especially important that families are recruited from communities that aren’t often included in research. This way researchers and policymakers working with GenV can test new approaches, interventions and treatments to better meet the needs of every Australian family. 

With over 48,000 families that have already joined, GenV continues to welcome new participants. All families living in Victoria with a child born between 4 October 2021 – 3 October 2023 can join. The invitation is still open to families who have not already signed up, have moved into the state or have changed their mind.

Families can join by visiting GenV’s website, or through scanning QR codes displayed in libraries, Maternal and Child Health centres and other services across the state.