Family Partnership Model Foundation Course


Would you like to engage with families more effectively to achieve positive outcomes? Do you want to enhance your skills and confidence? Are you ready to be professionally and personally challenged? In the Family Partnership Model Foundation Course, you'll learn how to use an evidence-based approach to building and maintaining effective relationships with families.

There are no upcoming Family Partnership Model Foundation Course sessions. To be advised when a new date is released, please contact us at [email protected] 

What is the Family Partnership Model?

This course explores the Family Partnership Model, an innovative approach based upon an explicit model of the 'helping' process. 

The model demonstrates how specific 'helper' qualities and skills, when used in partnership, can enable parents and families to overcome their difficulties, build strengths and resilience and fulfil their goals more effectively.

A number of research trials have demonstrated the positive benefits of the Family Partnership Model to:

  • the developmental progress of children
  • parent-child interaction
  • the psychological functioning of parents, families and children.

Why choose the Family Partnership Model Foundation Course?

In the Family Partnership Model Foundation Course, you'll participate in activities to build your skills and explore all aspects of the model including:

  • working with families to identify their needs
  • building a genuine and respectful ‘partnership’
  • setting goals
  • helping families achieve these goals.

The course takes an adult learning approach which values, recognises and builds on the experience that participants bring with them. During the course, you'll be encouraged to actively practise your skills in a supportive learning environment.

Course outcome

Participants will develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in the processes of the evidence-based Family Partnership Model, including engaging and relating well to parents, and effectively supporting them to achieve jointly identified outcomes.


3+ days


There are no sessions coming up. Please email [email protected] and ask to be advised when a new date is released.








Please note all training is participatory and highly interactive. Participants attending online training are asked to have cameras turned on throughout the session with a preference for one participant per screen.


For further information, please email [email protected]